Monday, February 15, 2010

What Should I Write For Desired Pay On An Application How Should I Inquire About The Job Offer? Or Should I Just Wait?

How should I inquire about the job offer? Or should I just wait? - what should i write for desired pay on an application

I went to interview on site in late February was made after many contacts by phone and e-mails after month. That went well, and has asked me to fill out the employment application, which includes information on the wage scale desired departure time, and references. In mid-March, Vice President, contacted me to say that I really participate in it, but offered a salary much lower than I wanted. I told them it was too low and vice-president said he would go with a different number the next day. Then, the number turned out to much on my salary in the neighborhood and said cheerfully accepted. At the same time, I asked at the time of my departure a little bit, if possible move it. There seemed no problem for them and told me to expect my package next week. Then the next week in conjunction with M People HRand for some additional documents. I know that contact with 2 of my references (not sure if the 3.). It's been 2 weeks since the last call. Without a written offer, it is risky to fix things.


♥ Sparks♥ said...

I sat down with the Vice-President, and tell them that you did not receive the package, or to monitor the human resources and ask them if they require additional production of documents. In this manner, information requested, but not if you do not want to seem pushy.

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